Twine: Dynamic Content and Further Resources

Free-to-use Resources

Layouts that are free-to-use:
These layouts were originally created for an older iteration of Twine and may not be supported by all story formats, but that’s okay. It is good to experiment, and even better to build off of this code and make it your own. Though the creator of this code does not ask you to credit them, it is common courtesy to acknowledge your sources if you did heavily reference someone else’s work.

Start out by trying to change font colors, font types/families, and sizes.

A Sugarcube Wiki:
If you are looking to dabble in variables and macro scripts, this is an excellent reference. Not that this wiki that is being linked here is for the story format Sugarcube and that other formats, such as Harlowe, may not work with these codes.

W3 School:
The The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) describes itself as ‘an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.’ The W3 School website provides a framework for HTML and CSS which is crucial to understanding how to program the Web.

Hexadecimal Color Picker:
Colors online are expressed via hexadecimal, or hex codes. These are strings of 6 characters that are letters, numbers, or combination of letters and numbers, and always begin with a number sign/hashtag (#). Hex codes are not case sensitive. For example, #000000 is the color black, #20b2aa is a shade of teal, and #ffffff or #FFFFFF is the color white.

Dr. Hammond’s Youtube Twine Tutorials:



Color Oracle
Color Oracle is a program that describes itself as ‘…a free color blindness simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see.’

This is a very useful tool to keep in mind when designing your interface — can everyone see your text and/or links?

Web Safe Colors
‘Web safe’ is not about data safety online: it describes how your visual interface will translate from browser to browser, operating system to operating system. Web safe colors are hexadecimal colors most contemporary browsers will read, understand, and express.

Web Safe Fonts
Web safe fonts are similar to web safe colors. There are a lot of fonts available for use but only certain fonts are usable on the web. You can view this list at the W3 website:

Open Source and Copyright

What is open source?
Open source describes a type of software and/or code that is available for everyone to access, use, and edit. Twine is open source software. Keeping code open and available for everyone enables and empowers web users, the web community, and essentially everyone who comes into contact with the web in general.  We need to understand how the web is built so we to can become co-authors of this space. Likewise, placing control of programming languages in the hands of a select few allows select organizations to dictate how we move and act online — do we really want that?

What is copyright? (via Stanford)
Understanding how the work you create with Twine or any other program relates to copyright laws is very important. Likewise, how we use other individual or group’s content in our projects should be understood as well so you do not run afoul of any litigation, no matter how innocent your intent.